For FSX by Bruce Fitzgerald - _________________________________________ Unzip BSG_Raider_150 and locate aircraft folder, {make sure its not double foldered), and copy to FSX/simobjects/airplanes/ locate effects folder, copy all the stuff inside, Not the folder... and copy to FSX/effects/ __________________________________________ FEATURES ---======--- - Maximum Performance - full envelope - capable of FSX Max speed; (2667 kts/ GPS-GS) - Stable and Strong under Extreme G loads and maximum dynamic pressures - Ultra efficient , High Thrust , Vectored Thrust - SuperSpoilers - Deflection flaps for hovering flight < Rev 1.5 Additions > - guns and VC viewpoint added to model - reflective textures in model enabled ( uses default texture not alpha channel) - FSXguns effect added - panel simplified and gun gauge added - cylon sound effects included FSXGun:: operates ONLY when the brakes key is depressed (joystick trigger button) ... and ONLY when the landing gear are retracted - The Raider has landing gear declared in the Cfg file but not modeled! so you can't tell just by looking - also ... FSXGun has a known issue in that you need to go to the 2D panel (F10), at least once to "wake-up" the gun gauge NOTES: Flaps are for hovering, normal approach goes... @ 45,000 mach 4.5, power off, 8 miles out down to 1500 kts, pulse spoiler, down to 800 kts, throttle up to 45 % ..10, 000-little wobble this low, keep airspeed below 500 =Using 50% throttle or less, at this point, =is necessary for (jet like) performance ...spoilers out - throttle full, 128kts pick a spot. ease back throttle, 17kts starting to drop in, full rudder helps me spin into position 5ft 2kts , 1 notch flaps and use power to fill in plunk - parking break set, power min {{ use restraint }} {{ use restraint }} {{ use restraint }} .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. zero flaps - normal flight 1 notch flaps - slow flight, (blimp like) 2 notches - hover spoilers out max power - 120kts, slow flight (cessna like) spoilers out min power - 0kts, (kite like) spoilers in max power - Mach 4.5, (missle like) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ߃