Real Snow/Ice Runways 2005 Version 1 These two files allow very realistic looking runways in any area in the world that has snow on the ground. These runways will replace the default winter FS9 winter asphalt and concrete runways and add more of a icy/snow mix to them. You will also notice both runways have a snow drift/wind look to them. You will still be able to see runway numbers etc, but the texture of the runways look very realistic. Installation: 1. Go into your fs9/Texture/ folder and back up your runway11_hw.bmp and runway12_hw.bmp file and save it somewhere you can remember incase you don't like the look of these textures. 2. Unzip runway11_hw.bmp and runway12_hw.bmp into the fs9/Texture/ folder and overwrite the runway11_hw.bmp and runway12_hw.bmp files with these new ones. 3. Start fs9 and enjoy. If you have any comments, recommendations for future versions, feel free to shoot me an email. Hope you like them and enjoy the hobby. Randy Oldfield CVA7719 - VATSIM