Thank you for downloading ' Ultimate Wing Views ' ! Courtesy of AVSIM ( ) To install the WingViews for this particular aircraft, follow these simple instructions: Go to your C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Flight Simulator 9/Aircraft directory... Find the aircraft your installing these wing-views for, in this case, it'd be the Boeing 777-200 aircraft. Double click on the folder of the aircraft... find a folder within there called " Panel ".... Double click on that. Now, within the Panel Folder, you should see a small " Panel " document, double click on it and it should open it within ' Notepad '. Scroll down until you find the section titled [Views]. Once you've found it, take all the text found below, highlight it all, right click, copy, then go back to the ' Notepad ' - Panel document, and PASTE it under [Views]... and you're all set! Very easy to install. Now you can enjoy a total of SIX Passenger Views - 3 on the left, 3 on the right. See the included .JPG file in this zip for detailed instructions. Also, make sure that you ONLY use your keyboards' Keypad when pushing the numbers ( The keypad is on the right side of the keyboard )... Any numbers above QWERTYUIOP on your keyboard DO NOT command the wing-views, only the numbers on the Keypad. * NOTE - Wingviews provided ONLY work correctly when used with the MELJET Boeing 777-200 ( Also with 777-200ER, LR, etc. ) Enjoy! - All Wingviews created by: Brian Kolbuch VIEW_REAR_LEFT_WINDOWS=35 VIEW_REAR_LEFT_ZOOM=1.0 VIEW_REAR_LEFT_EYE=-1.5, 0.8, -31.50 VIEW_REAR_LEFT_DIR=-2.0, 0.0, 270.0 VIEW_REAR_RIGHT_WINDOWS=34 VIEW_REAR_RIGHT_ZOOM=1.0 VIEW_REAR_RIGHT_EYE=1.5, 0.8, -31.50 VIEW_REAR_RIGHT_DIR=-2.0, 0.0, 90.0 VIEW_FORWARD_LEFT_WINDOWS=33 VIEW_FORWARD_LEFT_ZOOM=1.0 VIEW_FORWARD_LEFT_EYE=-2.0, 0.8, -15.50 VIEW_FORWARD_LEFT_DIR=-2.0, 0.0, 270.0 VIEW_FORWARD_RIGHT_WINDOWS=32 VIEW_FORWARD_RIGHT_ZOOM=1.0 VIEW_FORWARD_RIGHT_EYE=3.5, 0.8, -15.50 VIEW_FORWARD_RIGHT_DIR=-2.0, 0.0, 90.0 VIEW_LEFT_WINDOWS=33 VIEW_LEFT_ZOOM=1.0 VIEW_LEFT_EYE=-1.5, 0.8, -24.50 VIEW_LEFT_DIR=-2.0, 0.0, 270.0 VIEW_RIGHT_WINDOWS=32 VIEW_RIGHT_ZOOM=1.0 VIEW_RIGHT_EYE=2.5, 0.8, -24.50 VIEW_RIGHT_DIR=-2.0, 0.0, 90.0