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virtual airline va new va 2013 project 2013

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#1 JDizzle39



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Posted 16 February 2013 - 02:01 AM

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I have posted here.

Now I know what you are thinking... oh jeeze, another start-up. Well... yes. But, let me cover some bases first.

I am an experienced website designer with over a decade of experience. I have been in the flight simulator community since 2001. I've been in senior staff positions of quite a few popular VAs. I've decided to take a break from VAs over the past few months to collect my thoughts on how to make a better virtual airline. Finally got my thoughts kind of organized and I am looking for some great people to get this project rolling.

I am looking for a few people with previous (or even current) virtual airline experience, staff or not. Must be at least 18 years of age. You don't need any specific set of skills as I will be doing most of the work although one person who is good with detailing and painting FSX aircraft, freeware and payware versions would be nice. Also, you need teamspeak as that is where we will be having our meetings to discuss topics about the project.

We will be building this from the ground up. I already have my own servers for hosting, etc. Right now, we're in the planning stages.

I am very easy to work with and would love to hear from you. I might not be able to monitor this post all of the time, so if you're interested and require additional details, please go to my profile and send me an e-mail with a brief summary about why you would like to become a part of this project, also include you're e-mail for me to reply to.

I know I haven't revealed much detail about this project, but trust me, this is pretty big, and it's worth it! I promise.

What could it hurt if you just see what I have to offer!

Thank you for your time!